Monday, August 29, 2011

Dinner Time

I recognized today how wonderful it is to eat dinner at the table with my family.  As my husband Cruz, my son Nicholas and I sat eating our semi okay meal (butternut squash just didn't come out quite like I expected), I realized that we have every meal at our dining table.  We sit, we talk, we watch the boy drop food on the floor as he learns to use his fork, and we eat.  It is such a simple activity, but it brings me so much joy to do it every day. 
Sure there are the occasions when Cruz has to be out of town or come home late from work and we have to eat with out him, but if at all possible we are always together around the table. 
I hope with time that this is one thing that doesn't change and that we continue to gather for all of our meals to enjoy in my delicious (sometimes) cooking and for wonderful conversations and family moments.  Who knew such a simple piece of furniture would matter so much.
What are your dinner time rituals?  Is it maybe time you started some with your family or friends?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to School

It's back to school time!  So now I begin to feel that mixed up feeling of excitement and dread.  Excitement because it is a fresh start, new students, and a chance to help more kids learn and flourish.  The dread I feel because of early rising, leaving my little boy, and the pressures of making sure that ALL of my students learn and flourish. 

I have yet to worry about my baby boy going off to school, for now it is just me off to school (aka work).  I am really hoping that this year will bring a lot of joy, hard work, learning, and passion from myself and the students.  I may not know my students yet, but I already know that I will grow to love them as I end up doing every year.  I just remind myself that I want and need to be the teacher to my students that I would want for my own son.

What do you hope for your children this school year??

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Change is good and necessary.  Without it life would just be boring.  Part of of this blog is to challenge myself to make changes and then share them.  So this weekend I made a change that I thought I would never do.  As long as I can remember I have had medium to long hair until now.  Yesterday I headed on out to my stylist Shannon (great by the way) and had her cut quite a bit of hair.  I was dumbstruck when she was done and am still in the, "now what do I do with it" phase of getting used to something new.  So let me know what you think, good, ok, not so good, or let's just hope it grows out fast.  Thoughts?  What kind of changes are you willing to make to keep things fresh?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Welcome To My First Blog

This is my very first blog and I am so excited to share it with all of you.  The point of this blog is to show my appreciation for the simple things in life.  You know, things I like, interesting things and happenings, plus any musings that may come to me.  They will usually include family, friends, my job as a teacher, but also my hobbies and interests like fashion, sewing, crafting, and gardening.  I don't know a lot on these topics, but I am learning and enjoy them so much that I felt the need to share.  I hope that this blog not only entertains you, but that you also feel free to share some of your own thoughts, appreciations and musings with me.  

I am just a woman wanting to challenge herself to do more with her life than just get through all the hustle and bustle.  So come on everybody and join me in finding what is wonderful about life!!!

Toodleloo for now,